100 Questions For The Ultimate Mr & Mrs Wedding Quiz


It’s hen party time! And what hen party would be complete without a Mr & Mrs Quiz! Here’s 100 questions to keep you all entertained!

It’s the perfect way to reveal some interesting facts about the couple and break the ice. Plus it can lead to some pretty fun – and revealing! – answers. It’s pretty much guaranteed to get a few laughs. You can even play the Mr & Mrs Quiz at the wedding. Here, we’ve included 100 Mr & Mrs Questions to choose from.

How to play the Mrs & Mrs Game

FYI: The same rules apply whether it’s a Mr & Mr quiz or a Mrs & Mrs Quiz.

  • Work your way through the list of questions below and pick out around 15. It’s good to get a mix of questions from each section although it’s best to leave out the naughty questions if the bride or groom’s mums are in attendance.
  • Consider the bride when curating your list of questions – it’s a good idea to pick questions tailored to her that will generate the funniest answers.
  • Once you’ve selected your questions, print off two copies and give one to the groom. His task is to answer the questions honestly. If you like, you can get him to film his answers, and play them back at the hen party.
  • Next up, give the second sheet of questions to the bride at the hen party and get her to answer them. After each question, reveal the groom’s answer. The aim of the game is to see how well the couple know each other. Feel free to make it a little more fun by adding in shots for each wrong answer.

What you’ll need

Once you’ve printed off your questions, you don’t need much. A pen is a good idea if you want to keep check on a score and you can make it more interesting with paddleboards. We love these ones from Etsy…

Mr & Mrs 100 Questions

Basic questions

1. What is their star sign?

2. Who is their best friend?

3. What is their shoe size?

4. What’s their guilty pleasure?

5. What is their favourite item of clothing?

6. What was the name of their first pet?

7. What item would they save in a fire?

8. What is their favourite song?

9. What was their favourite subject at school?

10. What subject were they worst at?

11. If they could have a superpower, what would it be?

12. What is their favourite meal?

13. What food do they absolute hate?

14. What’s their favourite takeaway?

15. How do they like their tea and coffee?

Mr & Mrs Signs - 100 Questions

16. What’s their favourite alcoholic drink?

17. What is their ‘desert island’ item?

18. If they could meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?

19. How old were they when they had their first kiss?

20. How many times did they take their driving test?

21. What are they most likely to go viral for?

22. What is their go-to karaoke song?

23. What is most likely to make them cranky?

24. What are they most likely to end up in jail for?

25. What were their exact words when they proposed?

26. What’s the one thing they couldn’t live without? (Apart from you, obvs)

27. How nervous are they about the wedding, on a scale of 1-10?

28. What are they most looking forward to about being married?

‘You’ questions

29. What item of clothing of yours do they hate most?

30. What would they say is your best quality?

31. What’s their favourite part of your body?

32. What is your most annoying habit?

33. What are they most proud of you for?

34. What first attracted them to you?

35. When did they realise they loved you?

36. What do they miss most about you when you’re away?

37. Who would they say is your best friend?

38. What would they say you most love about them?

Mr & Mrs Signage for wedding day - 100 Questions

39. What celebrity would they compare you to?

40. How many children do they think you want?

41. What bra size do they think you are?

42. What is their pet name for you?

43. What celebrity do you remind them of?

44. If they won the lottery, what’s the first thing they’d buy you?

45. What would you buy them?

46. How bridezilla would they say you are?

47. What kind of wedding dress are they expecting you to wear?

Reminiscent questions

48. Where was your first date?

49. What did they wear on your first date?

50. Who instigated the first kiss?

51. Who said ‘I Love You’ first?

52. What was your first impression of them?

53. What was their first impression of you?

54. What was the first present they ever bought you?

55. What was the best present they ever bought you?

56. And the worst?

57. What was your first fight about?

58. Where was your first holiday?

59. What is the first movie you ever watched together?

60. When did you first realise you were in love?

100 questions for Mr & Mrs Quiz

Relationship questions

61. Who says ‘I love you’ most often?

62. What are you most likely to argue about?

63. Who always gets the last word?

64. Who is usually the first to say ‘I’m sorry’?

65. Who is more likely to start a fight?

66. Who’s more likely to deal with a spider?

67. Who takes the longest to get ready?

68. Who is the funniest?

69. Who has the most amount of exes?

70. Who’s the more clingy person in the relationship?

READ: 8 Hen Party Ideas For An Unforgettable Night

71. What is their most annoying habit?

72. What’s the most romantic thing they’ve done for you?

73. Who is the better driver?

74. Who is the best cook?

75. Who’s better craic on a night out?

76. Who’s better looking?

77. Who is the better singer?

78. Who is the messy one?

79. Who takes up the most room in bed?

80. Who’s more obsessed with their phone?

81. Who’s more stubborn?

82. Who’s more dramatic?

83. Who is the bad influence?

84. Who is better at spending money?

85. Who does the most housework?

86. Who will be the most hungover after the wedding?

87. What do you love most about them?

88. What do they love most about you?

89. What three words would you use to describe your partner?

90. What words would they use to describe you?

91. Where do you most want to travel together?

Naughty questions

92. How many dates before you had sex?

93. Where is the weirdest place you’ve had sex?

94. What is their favourite position?

95. Are they a boob or a bum person?

96. Who is more adventurous in bed?

97. Who is the noisiest in bed?

98. Who’s more likely to instigate sex?

99. What’s their favourite room to have sex in?

100. What would they most like you to dress up in?

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