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Bride Diaries – Meet Caitlyn



First off, let me introduce myself! My name is Caitlyn Lendrum, I’m 23 and I’m so excited to share my journey to the altar with you.

Here’s a little bit more about me, I started my career as a makeup artist a few years ago, not knowing where it would take me. Fast forward a few years, I’ve now built a brand for myself, winning multiple beauty awards and growing my social media business into one of the best in Northern Ireland. I can now add columnist to my CV too, as I venture into the world of planning a wedding. I can’t wait to share my Bride Diaries with you WJ’s readers!
Before I dive right in, I want to tell you little more about my fiancé Tony (also known as T – I shall explain later). When people ask how Tony & I met, I always start by saying, have you got five minutes? It’s a complicated story, I suppose it’s more of a 21st century romance.

We were set up by my mum and his sister, they thought we would be perfect for each other. The only thing stopping us actually meeting was 5500 miles – no big deal! It all started back in August 2017. I was heading into town on a Saturday night after a long day of clients when I received a message from my mum in our family group-chat. She wrote, ‘My friends gorgeous brother friend requested you, he has a fab job in California and you’ve not accepted yet…why?’

I was 20 and called myself a strong independent woman. I was more than happy being single; enjoying nights out with the girls and putting my everything into my business every hour of my day when I wasn’t socialising. Now, it’s important to remember I was out with my girls that night. I had already had a couple of drinks at this point, the last thing on my mind was accepting a random guy on Facebook that my mum thought suited me. We all know they can either pick a winner (thank god she did) or it can be tragic. I found his request (through blurry eyes) but his name was spelt in Irish. I quickly replied to my mum ‘Catch a grip I can’t even pronounce that.’ Which is now why he’s now known as T; those Irish names are like tongue twisters!


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Oh hi. Just me reminding you I’m going to be a FKIN WIFE!!!!💍💎✨

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I then locked my phone, popped it into my clutch and headed off into the club. A few hours later I found myself standing at the bar, alone and bored, so of course I jumped back onto Facebook and stalked every inch of his life. It’s the best tool isn’t it ladies? In moments I knew he had lived in San Jose and New Zealand, he was working for Facebook in California and adored his family. I accepted him out of pure guilt because he now admits he deleted his request, re-added me twice and waited three weeks!

The next morning, I woke up, sorry no…I was awoken by my mum bursting into my room, ‘Well, have you heard from him yet?’ Safe to say I swiftly asked her to leave my room, 8am on a Sunday! Who does that! However, I did sneakily check my phone and he had messaged, eek!


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Our first conversation is quite funny actually, I printed screenshots and keep them in a scrap book which I brought out with me for his first valentines present.
We started chatting about life, our interests, our careers and our future and I instantly figured he was just what I needed, I hadn’t realised it yet. It’s tough because I’m so career driven, I needed someone to help me build my empire, I guess.

Fast forward 6 months, we spent the first 6 months flying back and forth from Belfast to California. It was almost too good to be true. I could have this incredible guy, but I could also have my life with my girls, as well as putting my 100% into creating a business. Long distance worked for us at the beginning, but my god it’s hard! When people asked about it, I honestly tell them, that if it wasn’t for being forced so far apart, we wouldn’t be as close as we are now. Long distance does strengthen a relationship because you enjoy your time together and look forward to seeing each other.

Finally, in March 2018, to celebrate T returning home from America, he arranged a trip for us both in Miami for five incredible days, that’s a holiday we will both never forget.
We then both flew home to Belfast together, it was a huge relief for both of us, that we both managed one of the biggest challenges a relationship could have. We flew Miami – London – Dublin. Drove from Dublin to Banbridge to say hello to his parents, then drove to Coleraine to pick up our new puppy! Rocco our beautiful Frenchie!

Now, two and half years later, here we are planning the wedding of our dreams, we just bought the most beautiful home together and things are amazing. I really never thought this would be my life at 23!


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I can’t wait to take you on this wedding planning journey with me! Obviously, I’m very new to it all so it will be fun to share my tips and ideas with other couples in our position!
Stay tuned to my next installment of the Bride Dairies, to read all about T’s perfect proposal!

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