Everything You Need For A Wedding Day Emergency Kit


You have spent months, maybe even years, organising your wedding day. From your dress to the venue and the flowers to the name cards, all details have been carefully thought-out to craft a day that is special to you.

No matter how well you have planned, small glitches are bound to happen. However, don’t fret as you can prepare for these minor hiccups with a wedding day emergency kit.

We have listed all the essential items that you need to include in your emergency kit so that your special day is free from any worries! Plus, we know the lead up to the wedding can be a very busy time for the couple, so the gathering of items for your emergency kit can be left in the capable hands of your bridal party.

3 bridesmaid help the bride get ready. The bride is holding a small bunch of pink flowers. Image used in the Everything You Need For A Wedding Day Emergency Kit article.

Take a look at the items you need to include in your wedding day emergency kit below:

Beauty Items:

  • Your chosen perfume
  • Deodorant
  • Hairspray
  • Hair ties
  • Hair clips
  • The lipstick you are wearing on the day
  • The lip liner you are wearing on the day
  • Oil blotting sheets
  • A pressed powder
  • False lash glue
  • False nail glue
  • A nail file
  • Clear nail varnish (to stop any ladders appearing in tights)
  • A hairbrush
  • A small mirror
  • Dental floss
  • A small kit of your foundation and concealer for touch-ups throughout the day
A close-up of a bride spraying perfume on her wrist, Image used in the Everything You Need For A Wedding Day Emergency Kit article.

Clothing and Accessories:

  • Comfortable insoles for your shoes
  • A sewing kit (complete with needle, thread and a small pair of scissors)
  • White chalk (to conceal any stains on the bride’s dress)
  • Crochet hook (handy to have if your dress has lots of buttons!)
  • Lint roller
  • Fashion tape
  • Tweezers
A bride is getting ready. Someone is applying eye makeup whilst another person is fixing the bride's hair.

Must-Have Essentials

  • Spare phone charger
  • Breath mints
  • Sanitary products
  • Copy of the wedding day itinerary
  • Any prescription medication
  • Contact lenses and solution
  • Paracetamol
  • Tissues
  • Small first aid kit
  • Blister plasters
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Water
  • Small snacks
  • Cash
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