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How To Calm Those Pre-Wedding Nerves


They don’t call it a ‘Big Day’ for nothing. And like anything major in life, your wedding day can often come with an unwelcome side order of nerves.

Nothing should detract from the enjoyment of your big day, so here, we round up the wellness techniques that will keep you calm, both on the lead up to the wedding, and on the big day itself.

Leading up to the big day…

Amp up the self care

On the days and weeks leading up to the wedding, it’s prime time to really take care of yourself. That means loads of early nights to make sure you’re getting plenty of rest, plenty of activity to sweat away the stress and a diet that doesn’t solely consist of celebratory bubbles. In combination, these things can help to nix anxious feelings and lower your stress levels. Add in some extra pampering, whether it’s a night on the couch with a face mask and Netflix or a massage, to really feel those relaxing benefits.

Get it all out on paper

What are you most nervous about? Is it walking up the aisle and having all eyes on you? Being the centre of attention for an entire day? Things going wrong? While it might seem a tad Monica Gellar, getting all your concerns out onto paper and predicting what could go wrong can really help. Once you read it back, you’ll realise that some worries aren’t as bad as they seem, others are totally fixable with a little forethought and the rest can be delegated to a member of the bridal party. While it’s normal that you’ll still feel a bit nervous, writing a list and tackling your worries in this way can really help.

Have a mental rehearsal

Nerves often fizzle away the more prepared we feel, so picture your big day from start to finish in your head, and note how you feel in each moment to identify where you’re most nervous. Keep going back to those moments and mentally rehearse them until they don’t feel as big or scary. And if you’re still feeling nervy? Remember, it’s totally normal to feel nervous before your wedding. Take a deep breath, relax and enjoy it.

Sort your sleeping pattern

Easier said than done, we know, but your body is much more capable of battling nerves and anxiety when it’s well rested. On the lead up to the wedding, start putting some healthy sleep habits into practice. Stop scrolling an hour before you’re due to hit the hay – or at the very least consider wearing ‘screen’ glasses which help to filter out sleep-wrecking blue light. Give relaxation techniques like guided meditation or hyponosis a go to help you drift off and dim the lights an hour before bed to give your body the signal it’s almost time to sleep. Still struggling to nod off? A warm bath before bed can work wonders.

On the morning of the wedding…

Focus on your breathing

This one’s as handy before a big work meeting as it is before saying ‘I Do’. Close your eyes and get comfortable. Gently breathe in through your nose for a count of six, before slowly exhaling for another count of six, paying attention to the breath as it leaves your body. Continue this for up to 10 minutes and notice how much more relaxed your body feels. If you’re the restless type, and would struggle to stick to this yourself, try regular yoga classes on the lead up to the wedding. They’ll help you feel zen.

Think of your SO

When stress gets the better of you, it’s good to strip everything back and remember what this day is really all about. You’re marrying the one you love and getting to spend the rest of your lives together. Everything after that is just an added extra. So when you start stressing about the cake melting, the caterers not showing up and the page boy throwing a wobbly, reflect on all the good times with your other half, take a deep breath and remember that as long as you get married, that’s all that really matters.Picture your future spouse at the top of the aisle. How do you feel? Calmer? Thought so.

Have some bubbles

… but not too many! A little fizz can help take the edge of those anxious feelings but keep it to one glass and take slow sips on the morning of your wedding.

Accept that nerves are a natural part of it

It’s totally normal to feel nervous on the morning of your wedding and as much as it can feel all-consuming, it doesn’t mean that something is going to go wrong. Take a deep breath, relax and enjoy it – and remember, weddings are joyous occasions. You’re going to have a blast!

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