How To Plan A Cosy Intimate Wedding


Not everyone wants a big extravagant wedding and thanks to the pandemic it looks like intimate weddings are here to stay. So where should you start to plan the perfect intimate wedding?

If COVID-19 has affected your wedding plans, you’re not alone! You might be thinking of postponing your day altogether, but if there’s one thing the past year has taught us it’s that life is too short – so maybe an intimate wedding could be the perfect way to start your new chapter. To help you out, we’ve rounded up some top tips on how to plan a cosy intimate wedding whilst also keeping COVID safe…

Keep it small

Just because you’re cutting down numbers doesn’t make it any less of a celebration. In fact, only inviting your closest family and friends can make your wedding even more special as it means more quality time with those you love. Try to keep the number around 15 to 20 people and reconsider the need for a wedding party – picture all eyes on just you and your love on the alter, now isn’t that romantic? And if you’re someone who prefers a big celebration, you can always plan a wedding party later down the line when you can invite everyone who couldn’t make the list.

Pick a cosy location

Another great thing about reducing your guest list is having many more venues to choose from. To narrow it down, choose somewhere that feels super cosy and will accommodate your guests in an intimate setting. Back gardens, beaches, campgrounds and even forests are the most popular choices for an intimate ceremony and can be transformed into a wedding wonderland that feels dreamy and snug.

Ceremony & reception all in one

It’s time to throw away the rulebook – who says you need two separate venues for your reception and ceremony? We say, let’s be smart and bring both together under one roof, which will help create not only a more intimate and cosy vibe but might even save you some pennies too (and we all could use that right now!)

Maximise the guest experience

Since you’re only inviting your closest and most favourite people, they should feel like a VIP on your day, so let’s treat them like one. Focus on the finer details. Arrange comfortable seating to let your guest lounge a little as you won’t be needing those hard uncomfortable chairs! You can also hand out gratitude greeting bags with some sweet treats and heartfelt messages to show your guests how grateful you are to have them there.

Make it magical

The best thing about having an intimate wedding is being able to set a cosy atmosphere which is often difficult to achieve with a larger ceremony. Create your own little fairy tale by hanging fairy lights, lighting candles, laying down lanterns and adding detailed décor – the options really are endless!

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