Taylor Swift And Joe Alwyn Are Reportedly ‘Secretly’ Engaged


It’s rumored the popstar has been wearing a secret engagement ring for months!

Congratulations may be in order as rumour has Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn are secretly engaged – and have been for months!

The pair have been together for five years and The Sun reported that Taylor even wears a secret engagement ring “behind closed doors” that only her close family and friends know about.

A source close to Joe reportedly told the publication that “Taylor and Joe are incredibly happy, and very, very in love.

“They’ve actually been engaged for a few months but have only told their inner-inner circle – basically their immediate family, and trusted, very old friends. Everyone has been sworn to secrecy, too.

“Taylor has a beautiful ring but she only wears it when she’s at home – i.e. behind closed doors. Again, only a handful of people know details about the wedding and Taylor hasn’t even told some of her team about the engagement.

“They want their love to stay away from the cameras as much as possible. This is just for them. And if and when they do exchange vows, there most definitely won’t be any Vogue, Rolling Stone or Hello! magazines there. It will be simple and elegant – like them.”

Taylor and Joe have been together romantically since 2016 but have kept things relatively lowkey and private from the public.

During an interview with Rolling Stone in 2020, Taylor Swift commented on their relationship, saying: “I think that in knowing him and being in the relationship I am in now, I have definitely made decisions that have made my life feel more like real life and less like just a storyline to be commented on in tabloids.”

Joe also opened up about the relationship in 2022, telling The Wall Street Journal: “If I had a pound for every time I think I’ve been told I’ve been engaged, then I’d have a lot of pound coins.” He went on to say, “The truth is, if the answer was yes, I wouldn’t say and if the answer was no, I wouldn’t say.”

Taylor and Joe are yet to confirm or deny the engagement rumours. But we’re secretly hoping it’s true! Could imagine how magical a Taylor Swift wedding would be?!

Stay tuned for more celebrity news and updates to come!

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