Top 10 Wedding Worries (And How to Overcome Them!)


Every bride wants their wedding day to be perfect, but that strive for perfection inevitably leads to stress.

Here are the top 10 wedding worries, how many can you relate to?

1. You’ve made the wrong choices.

There are so many wedding ideas out there that you can often start to second guess your own choices and cause major wedding worries, especially if you see something you like after you’ve committed to something else. Don’t get distracted by every option you see and stop shopping once you’ve signed on the dotted line, this will save you any pangs of regret.

2. You forgot something important

There are so many things to keep track off when planning your big day that it’s perfectly normal for random bouts of anxiety to strike at any time! We’d recommend keeping a notebook and pen, writing your thoughts down will help you relax knowing you can return to them in the morning. Remember you’re not alone, your suppliers, partner and loved ones are on hand to help make sure you’ve got everything covered.

3. Bad weather will ruin your plans

We’ve all been there before an outdoor event, constantly refreshing the forecast app on our phones and praying for a break in the clouds. If you have a fair-weather wedding venue, have a ‘Plan B’ in case the weather doesn’t co-operate. If you have this fallback in place, you will be able to relax in the lead up to your wedding day.

4. People won’t show up

Guests, vendors, even your partner! Sometimes fears are totally irrational, but that doesn’t stop them playing on your mind. However, if you have your guest RSVPs and have confirmed all with your suppliers in the last weeks running up to the wedding, then there’s no point spending any unnecessary time worrying about unforeseen absences.

5. Bossy mums trying to takeover

Sometimes mothers and mother-in-laws can get a bit carried way during the wedding prep and try to take over. It is slightly more of an awkward one telling your mother-in-law to take a step back, however, be firm and stay strong.

6. Someone will cause a scene

Family drama flaring up or a guest you know that might be tipped over the edge by one too many can put a dark cloud over your celebrations. Ask someone familiar with the situation to keep an eye on things and step in before anything gets out of hand. Try not to personally get caught up in any issues on the day.

7. Being centre of attention for the first dance

One of the biggest concerns for brides (and  grooms) is the wedding dance. It’s natural to feel nervous when all eyes are on you, but take a few dance lessons, keep things simple, and remember, awkward moments often end up being funniest memories!

8. Your guests won’t enjoy themselves

In an effort to make sure there is never a dull moment for guests, it can be tempting to stuff your wedding full of activities and stress about whether guests will like them, but don’t forget how much your family and friends will enjoy good conversation over delicious food and drinks! There’s no need to cause unnecessary stress and over plan the day.

9. How you look on the day and in photos

You can feel a lot of pressure in the run up to the wedding to transform the way you look through weight loss and beauty treatments. Remember that your partner is marrying you because you are loved just the way you are, so there’s no need to make a big change unless you want to. 

10. Things won’t turn out how you expect

Like anything you put a lot of effort into over a long period of time, there will be anxiety over whether it will turn out as expected when the time comes. Remind yourself that you’ve booked all of your suppliers for a reason. Trust them to deliver the beautiful work you fell in love with, and in the end, any hiccups on the day are minor compared to the feeling of being married to the one.

Still have some wedding worries? Make sure to check out our online wedding directory for all suppliers near you!

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