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What Is A Sequel Wedding And How Do You Have One?

bride and groom kissing

Okay, so first things first, before we dive in, what exactly is a sequel wedding. Truth be told, a sequel wedding isn’t a new concept, but it may prove to be a whole lot more popular in 2020 and beyond, with Coronavirus affecting the ways in which we normally say I Do.

Sequel weddings have been commonplace in many different cultural and religious traditions and they involve hosting multiple ceremonies to celebrate your marriage. Instead of one big celebration, sequel weddings involve many events marking your marriage.

The trend is popular with celebrities too. Famous couples like Justin Bieber and Hailee Baldwin, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, Karlie Kloss and Josh Kushner, all celebrated their marriage more than once.

Now, however, sequel weddings won’t just be reserved for the rich and famous or people from certain cultural or religious backgrounds. Sequel weddings may be a great option for couples who have found their wedding day has been postponed or cancelled due to Coronavirus.

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As restrictions are slowly lifted, they may find they’d like to have a small ceremony now and a big bash later. They might be happy to gather with a few friends and family in their backyard to say those all -important I dos, and plan a big hotel reception with 100 guests six months down the line.

Some couples may choose to have a mini ceremony on their original date and to go ahead with their original wedding plans in 2021. While others are having a zoom ceremony as their families watch via video link and planning a party for later in the year.

As we move out of lockdown, a time when we haven’t been able to see friends and family, it’s likely we’ll want to celebrate with them more than ever, and what better way to do that than marking your wedding across multiple occasions?

Read more: How to plan a micro-wedding

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How do you have a sequel wedding?

Well there are lots of options open to you. Generally, the idea is to start with a small event, and follow it up with a bigger sequel wedding, so you may like to try some of these as your wedding prequel:

The Zoom wedding:

This is typically a very intimate ceremony – think the couple, the officiant and two or three friends and family depending on what restrictions allow – often held on the original wedding date. Friends and family can be connected via video link so they still get to see you say I Do.

The micro-wedding

This wedding involves less than 20 guests and is set to be another major trend in 2020 and beyond. Micro-weddings are usually super intimate and very relaxed, involving the bride and groom and a handful of friends and family. It’s all about celebrating with the people that matter most.

The backyard bash

Outdoor weddings will become increasingly popular within the next few months, as restrictions are eased and we can meet more people outside. For many couples, the best venue might be their backyard, where they can gather with their nearest and dearest.

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Now that you’ve decided on a prequel. Decide what you want your sequel to look like and remember to:

Split your guest lists accordingly

Who do you want at wedding one and wedding two? Will there be a crossover of guests who will be attending both? Make sure everyone knows you’re having two weddings.

Organise your budget 

If you’ve a whole extra budget for another wedding then great, but if you don’t, remember you’ll need to split what you do have across two events. You can keep your prequel wedding a lot cheaper to stretch your funds if you need to.

Choose your attire

Will you be wearing the same dress across both weddings? Or choosing a more expensive gown for the bigger bash? The choice is up to you.

Read more: Backyard weddings are soon to be all the rage! 

bride and groom kissing

How do you know if a sequel wedding is right for you?

You’re eager to get married

Don’t want to wait? Then don’t. You can always have a small ceremony now and a bigger reception later.

You’re indecisive

Can’t decide on a theme for your wedding? Easy, have two weddings and then you don’t have to choose.

You have a lot of people you need to ‘please’

Perhaps your family don’t share your vision for a wedding. You shouldn’t have to compromise on what you want to please others. Two weddings might be the work around you need.

You’re good with a budget

Rather than doubling your expenses, you now need to split your original budget across two separate events. Make sure you’re able to do that before you proceed.

However you decide to celebrate your marriage is up to you. Sequel weddings can offer you more freedom and multiple opportunities to get together with your loved ones. Why celebrate your marriage once when you can do it twice?

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